In an effort to save on legal costs, many attorneys are using telephonic depositions instead of holding in-person meetings. Due to the nature of the telephonic depositions, mistakes can happen if every party is not properly prepared. If you are holding a deposition, here are some tips to ensure that everything goes without issue:

Check the Local Rules

Telephonic depositions are not always an option. In some jurisdictions, the practice is prohibited. Before scheduling one with the involved parties, research the rules of civil procedures in that particular area.

If telephonic depositions are allowed, review the rules that dictate how the deposition should be conducted. The rules can vary, but usually include providing the court with a legitimate reason for the hearing. For instance, if the person being deposed is ill, the judge in the case might agree to allow the telephonic deposition.

Place the Court Reporter with the Interviewee

Many court reporting services have experience in handling telephonic depositions. Find one that does and ensure the court reporter that is assigned to your case is available to be in-person with the interviewee.

Although all the other parties can be in different locations while on the teleconference, it is important that the court reporter and the interviewee are together. Throughout the course of the call, there might be periods in which two or more parties are speaking. By having the court reporter with the interviewee, you can be sure that he or she accurately transcribes what he or she says.

Cooperate with the Court Reporter

Due to the fact that the deposition is being conducted by phone, you must exercise patience throughout the process. From time to time, the court reporter might ask for words to be repeated. He or she might even ask for the speakers to identify themselves several times.

It can seem like an interruption, but you have to remember that the court reporter is tasked with creating an accurate and detailed account of the deposition. Every word matters. If he or she asks for clarification, cooperation will help to keep the deposition moving forward.

Before the telephonic deposition, talk to each party to find out if there are any special accommodations that need to be made. You also should consult with the court reporting service to find out what tips the reporter has to help ensure the process goes smoothly. With the help of everyone involved, you and the other parties can have a successful deposition.   

Contact a company like Farrell Court Reporting for more information and assistance. 
