If you sustain an injury while on the job that leaves you unable to work, you may qualify for disability benefits. Filing a disability claim is the first step in securing access to the financial compensation you are entitled to, but it's important to recognize that you may be required to complete a hearing before your benefits will be dispersed. Testifying at a disability hearing can be a daunting task, but when you take the time to learn what's expected of you then you will be able to better navigate the testifying process.
Here are three tips that will help you be successful when testifying at your disability hearing in the future.
1. Stick to the facts when describing your symptoms and limitations.
In order to determine if you are eligible to receive disability benefits, a judge will need to understand the nature of your symptoms and limitations. When asked to talk about your medical status, stick to fact.
Avoid telling the judge about your own theories or quoting information that doesn't appear in your medical file. By sticking strictly to the facts, you will be able to provide the judge with clear and concise information that will allow him or her to more accurately assess your disability needs.
2. Use examples when describing your pain.
Most people fail to recognize that you don't need to be in constant agony in order to qualify for disability benefits. If nagging pain minimizes your ability to easily participate in daily activities, this chronic pain could qualify you for disability benefits. Rather than describing how your pain feels as you testify at your disability hearing, you might want to try using examples to help the judge understand your limitations instead.
Provide specific examples of situations where your pain interferes with daily life (like you have trouble sitting for long periods of time or you are unable to climb into the cab of a tall vehicle) so that the judge will be able to accurately assess the extent of your limitations.
3. Rehearse your testimony ahead of time.
Testifying in a public forum can be challenging for people who don't like addressing large groups of people. To ensure that your nerves don't result in the creation of inconsistencies in your testimony, you should practice testifying in front of smaller groups prior to your hearing date.
Working with your lawyer to create an outline containing points that are important to your case can also be beneficial in ensuring you don't leave out vital information.
Don't let your testimony during a disability hearing stand in the way of accessing the financial benefits you need. Stick to the facts, use examples, and practice ahead of time to ensure your testimony goes smoothly. For more information or assistance in this area, visit websites like http://www.johnehornattorney.com.