Divorcing from your spouse can be an incredibly stressful experience due to the variety of issues that must be handled and the court proceedings you are required to participate in. Fortunately, a professional mediator can help you to resolve the most intense disputes of your divorce without having to argue before a judge. Yet mediation is not a well-known aspect of divorce law, which can mean that you might not be familiar with what to expect from this approach to conflict resolution.
What Type Of Benefits Will A Mediator Provide Your Divorce Proceedings?
One of the most stressful aspects of a divorce is feeling as if you will have little control over the distribution of the assets from the marriage. This is an understandable concern because a judge has the power to make this decision for the couple. However, you can retain a good deal of control over this distribution through mediation.
The mediation process is essentially a series of negotiations that are designed to incrementally address the myriad of conflicts that may arise over the course of this separation. This allows you to compromise on the possessions that are unimportant to you while holding strong to the more meaningful assets.
What Will The Mediation Process Be Like?
The first meeting with the mediator will essentially be to allow them to evaluate the topics and conflicts that are needing to be resolved for your divorce to proceed. At the end of this meeting, you will be scheduled to return at a future date to start the negotiation process. During the mediation process, you may be seated in a separate room from your spouse, and the designated mediator will serve as a messenger or you may both be in the same room with the mediator moderating the discussion.
At the end of this process, it will be necessary to file the agreement with the court. For those that have hired an attorney to be the mediator, they will be able to file these documents on your behalf. However, if you have hired a non-attorney mediator, you may need to hire an attorney to finalize these documents before filing them. While it may be possible for you to file these documents without an attorney, this process can be extremely confusing, which may make the small fee the attorney would charge to file these documents well worth it.
Settling the various conflicts that arise from divorcing your spouse does not have to involve arguing before a judge. Rather, it is possible to use mediation to settle the bulk of these disputes without having to resort to allowing a judge to decide. If you have solid understanding of how meditation can help your divorce go smoothly and how this process is done, the options for resolving the disputes from your divorce will be much clearer to you.